【対談】「服の、先へ。」を考える。GLOBAL TALK:パリ × 日本

ネリーロディ社 代表取締役
ピエール・フランソワ・ル・ルエ 氏
ファッション、ビューティ、インテリア、テクノロジーなど幅広い分野でのマーケティングコンサルティングを行うネリーロディ社 代表取締役であり、フランスのファッション業界を牽引する。
村井 あか里
Interning at the Paris headquarters

Pierre-François Le LouëtNellyRodi is a consultancy and trend forecast- ing company that works with creative clients, primarily in the fashion, beauty, design, lifestyle, and hospitality industries. Our clients are luxury companies and major retailers who come to us to better understand how the world evolves in terms of values, customer trends, and creative trends. We deliver trend books and consult on specific projects, thereby helping develop the future of their companies and what they offer as brands.
Akari MuraiI was fortunate to intern at NellyRodi for one month. My main job was to post on Instagram and TikTok. I also conducted research and made some social media videos. It was truly an honor to work with you at NellyRodi. Everyone was so nice!
Le LouëtYou did a wonderful job. At the time, you were the only Japa- nese student working with us at NellyRodi Paris, so we were very happy to have you and your Japanese touch. Japanese society is of course very different from what we know in Europe, not only in terms of mindsets and values, but also work environment. I imagine you were able to experience these work differences between France and Japan firsthand.
Advice for the next generation of designers on the global stage

MuraiI feel like our generation is well-attuned to sustainability and diversity. Do you think this understanding of the zeitgeist will give the younger generation of fashion students more opportunities in the future ?
AMIやJACQUEMUSは、パリのファッション・ウィークに出展している急成長中のデザイナー・ブランドの素晴らしい例であり、順調にビジネスを軌道に乗せています。また、ミラノでショーを行った日本人デザイナー Tomo Koizumiもそんな若手デザイナーの1人だと思います。
Le LouëtYes, definitely. I think your generation will have a lot of opportunities, even if those opportunities are different than we have seen before. That said, building your own brand is still very difficult. How will you make your brand stand out from the competition? What do you provide and do better than others? Creativity is not the only thing you have to focus on. You also have to build a community. You must craft a sustainable brand. You have to understand how the market works and what the buyers expect from you. These are certainly not easy questions.
Still, over these past ten years, many successful new designer brands have emerged very fast. For instance, AMI and Jacquemus are two wonderful examples of skyrocketing brands that have shown at Paris Fashion Week and are also developing very well. I think Japanese designer Tomo Koizumi, who recently showed in Milan, is another good example.
The further future of fashion

村井本学の理念に「Further fashion.(服の、先へ。)」があります。私個人の解釈では、服の先にあるのは、「people(人々)」だと思っています。すべてのトレンドは様々な年齢やジェンダー、人種の「人」によってつくられています。これはネリーロディで働くなかで実感したことです。ル・ルエさんにとっての「服の先」とは何でしょうか?
MuraiPIIF’s motto is “Further Fashion.” My interpretation of this is that people are the key to furthering fashion. After working with you at NellyRodi, I realized that trends are made by people from all over the world of all ages and genders. What does “Further Fashion” mean to you ?
Le LouëtI like your interpretation very much. It’s true that it’s people who make the further future of fashion. People are changing, values are changing. What they believe in, buy, and wear is constantly changing. I tell everyone who joins NellyRodi that their duty is to bring their own stone to make the house bigger and help evolve the company. Socially conscious trends are absolutely key to making the environment and society better. We can’t ignore the social impact of fashion. Sustainability will definitely be a part of the future of fashion, not only as an aspiration, but also as a legal issue in France and other countries.
As a designer, you naturally want to express yourself. Cherish what makes you different and your ability to develop something unique. However, it’s also very important to take a broader view and not focus just on yourself. You must also be aware of what is happening in the world. Be aware of changes in distribution. Be fully aware of what designers are doing in the market.
I think that our duty is to promote diversity, a very open vision of society. And it’s through dialogue between cultures and nations that we build something good for our planet.